About Me

Hi – I’m Janet de Wagt – welcome to my website.

I have been a working artist all my life – combining my painting with living and travelling in different parts of the world.

Whilst living in the Northern hemisphere, my subject focus was people and their immediate environments.

For example, markets were a wonderful place to paint, whether in the United Kingdom or North Africa. It was the interaction between people whilst buying, selling, bargaining, etc – that I tried to instil into my paintings – with all the colours of the stalls and the variety of food found there.

My paintings were exhibited widely in Britain – and some were made into postcards, a truly wonderful medium for people to enjoy paintings without having to spend a lot of money.

My community art work continued to enable me to work in many unusual situations and subject areas.

Since my arrival back in New Zealand in 1996, landscapes have been the focus of my work. Because of the overpowering nature of the land, with all the changing colours and forms – people have tended to become irrelevant.

Because again of my community arts work, I have been asked to work in some unusual settings. Particularly with people from rural areas. This has given me the opportunity to paint the landscapes in the extreme south of the South Island, and all that is associated with it.

This cold-weather ‘Southern Belle’ enjoyed the experience and wine of the Black Forest in Germany. Now I’d like to travel back to the Netherlands to paint en plein air on a dyke.

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